We providing web and email hosting for our clients so they don't have to mess with the details.
Our pricing is competitive with most hosting companies, but we aren't trying to compete on price.
So, we only suggest contacting us for hosting if you want quality hosting for a fair price!
Hosting a site with us? Log in here!
- Basic Package
- Up to 100 email addresses
- Webmail via SmarterMail 5
- Anti-Virus, Anti-Spam, & Content Filtering at the server.
- Self-service administration.
- $120 per year (includes a .com or .net domain registration)
- Advanced Package
- All of the above, plus:
- Website with database requirements.
- Databases are automatically backed up nightly.
- SSL certificates can be installed.
- $175 per year (includes a .com or .net domain registration)